Mauritius Oil Spill Cleaning 2020 - MV WAKASHIO - CrowdFunding

Mauritius Oil Spill Cleaning 2020 - MV WAKASHIO

By : Eco-Sud
Created on: 07 Aug, 2020
Rs 21,952,311 Raised
Rs 22,000,000

As we are now facing the worst-case scenario in regard to the shipwreck of the MV WAKASHIO, Eco-Sud a local NGO will be collecting funds for all expenses linked to the cleaning and protection of the lagoon during this crisis.

(French Version Below)

As we are still in the early stages of the oil spill, the funds collected will also potentially be used for the post-crisis expenses such as:

- Monitoring the impact of the oil spill on the marine life.
- Potential research and studies of the marine life affected by the oil spill.
- Fund conservation projects.
- Any legal actions that might be considered as well.

All expenditures and activities will be reported in full transparency.

Note: is offering its platform and service free of charge as a gesture of support toward this ecological disaster.

Please note that this environmental crisis won’t be solved anytime soon. What matters apart from financial support, is the mobilization of each and everyone one of us. Many citizens have already started to mobilize in order to help this crisis. This campaign also calls for mobilization and we hope that every citizen who can, will join forces with the various support groups that are already in place in order to minimize the impact of this environmental crisis. 

Who are we ?

Eco-Sud is an environmental NGO created by the citizens of Blue Bay-Mahébourg over 20 years ago in order to protect the environment and the biodiversity of Mauritius for the generations of today and tomorrow.

Our main program « Lagon Bleu »  aims to restore and preserve the ecological and biological integrity of the Blue Bay and Pointe d'Esny regions in close collaboration with the local community.

We are also at the forefront of discussions and actions aimed at raising awareness of local environmental issues, offering alternative solutions and preventing projects that threaten the environment.

Through these various activities, Eco-Sud aims to promote a balance between economic, social development and environmental protection.

Do not hesitate to visit our site to find out more!

We are regularly communicating on the FaceBook Group of the Association

and the FaceBook Page of ECo-Sud

/// Version Francaise ///

Nous sommes désormais confrontés au pire des scénarios concernant le naufrage du MV WAKASHIO, Eco-Sud, une ONG locale va collecter des fonds pour toutes les dépenses liées au nettoyage et à la protection du lagon pendant cette crise.

Comme nous n'en sommes encore qu'aux premiers stades de la marée noire, les fonds collectés seront potentiellement utilisés pour les dépenses ulterieur telles que:

- Suivi de l'impact de la marée noire sur la vie marine.
- Recherches et études sur la vie marine affectée par la marée noire.
- Financer des projets de conservation.
- Toute action en justice qui pourrait également être envisagée.

Toutes les dépenses et activités seront déclarées en toute transparence.

Veuillez noter que cette crise environnementale ne sera pas résolue de sitôt. Ce qui compte en dehors du soutien financier, c'est la mobilisation de chacun d'entre nous. De nombreux citoyens ont déjà commencé à se mobiliser pour aider cette crise. Cette campagne appelle également à la mobilisation et nous espérons que chaque citoyen qui le pourra, s'associera aux différents groupes de soutien déjà en mise en place afin de minimiser l'impact de cette crise environnementale.

Remarque: propose gratuitement sa plateforme et son service en signe de soutien à cette catastrophe écologique.

Qui sommes nous ?

Eco-Sud est une ONG environnementale créée par les citoyens de la région de Blue Bay-Mahébourg il y a plus de 20 ans afin de protéger l’environnement et la biodiversité du territoire mauricien pour les générations d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

Notre programme principal Lagon Bleu vise à restaurer et préserver l’intégrité écologique et biologique des régions de Blue Bay et de Pointe d’Esny en collaboration étroite avec la communauté locale.

Nous sommes également au premier plan de discussions et d’actions visant à sensibiliser aux enjeux environnementaux locaux, à offrir des solutions alternatives et à empêcher la réalisation de projets qui menacent l'environnement.

A travers ces diverses activités, Eco-Sud vise à favoriser l'équilibre entre le développement économique, social et la protection de l'environnement.

N’hésitez pas à visiter notre site pour en savoir plus !

Nous communiquons régulièrement sur le groupe FaceBook de l'Association

et la page FaceBook d'ECo-Sud

There is no any document attached.

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  1. MV
    On compte sur vous ... nous sommes loin et ne pouvons agir...Bon courage

    Comment by

    Posted on

  2. A
    This is the Christmas present received by Anita Feng from Concordia School. She asked for donation to the Oil Spill Cleaning instead of a present for herself.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  3. A
    To Jon,

    I thought this might be the most useful way to use the Secret Santa amount - I hope you agree.

    From Secret Santa

    Comment by

    Posted on

  4. A
    I hope this helps!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  5. LO
    This is soo sad.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  6. KN
    Donation from Kotomili, a new brand of T-shirts and printed products with original designs inspired by Mauritius. In the aftermath of the Wakashio oil spill, I decided to rush the launch of the Kotomili brand, make the first designs and create a fundraiser T-shirt collection. The profits to go local three NGOs. Hence, here is a third of the profits. Keep doing a great job. Kevin Nirsimloo.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  7. A
    I hope that the stunning landscape and the rich ecosystems of Mauritius will be recovered soon so that the future generations can also experience and enjoy its beauty.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  8. MO
    Thank You for doing this from the bottom of my heart

    Comment by

    Posted on

  9. JH
    All the money collected by The Polyp Pros hope this helps

    Comment by

    Posted on

  10. A
    hope it helps the situation getting better.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  11. KK
    We are so sorry for what we have done to you. I hope your life gets back to normal ASAP.... Sorry

    Comment by

    Posted on

  12. RL
    18 small businesses came together to fundraise by putting together a raffle of our items. This is the total money we managed to raise for Mauritius! We Hope it can help.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  13. CF
    on behalf of Tom Debakker for StepStone Group.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  • Anonymous

    MUR 375 Donation
    27 Feb, 2021
  • Nagomi Kurihara

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    22 Feb, 2021
  • Anonymous

    MUR 47,619 Donation
    28 Jan, 2021
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,400 Donation
    04 Jan, 2021
  • Anonymous

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    01 Jan, 2021
  • Mary Vayssiere

    MUR 1,500 Donation
    31 Dec, 2020
  • Francisco AlfaroZierten

    MUR 1,977 Donation
    25 Dec, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    24 Dec, 2020
  • Dom Faydherbe

    MUR 500 Donation
    22 Dec, 2020
  • Sam Keating

    MUR 1,203 Donation
    21 Dec, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 50,000 Donation
    20 Dec, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 200 Donation
    07 Dec, 2020
  • Sae Fujiwara

    MUR 1,160 Donation
    03 Dec, 2020
  • aiko imai

    MUR 1,869 Donation
    03 Dec, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 540 Donation
    01 Dec, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 139 Donation
    28 Nov, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 50,000 Donation
    28 Nov, 2020
  • Stephane Isautier

    MUR 8,000 Donation
    26 Nov, 2020
  • Toshio Shimizu

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    21 Nov, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 5,000 Donation
    19 Nov, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1 Donation
    19 Nov, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,500 Donation
    18 Nov, 2020
  • Marcel Basté i Masias

    MUR 475 Donation
    16 Nov, 2020
  • Alyssa Florack

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    16 Nov, 2020
  • Liz Ojo

    MUR 250 Donation
    14 Nov, 2020
  • Kevin Nirsimloo

    MUR 3,133 Donation
    13 Nov, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    13 Nov, 2020
  • Michelle Ortega

    MUR 200 Donation
    04 Nov, 2020
  • Ansen Marion

    MUR 2,550 Donation
    03 Nov, 2020
  • Alex Illi

    MUR 4,000 Donation
    30 Oct, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 615 Donation
    29 Oct, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 50,000 Donation
    27 Oct, 2020
  • Kitouni Swimwear

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    26 Oct, 2020
  • james Hatton

    MUR 9,000 Donation
    25 Oct, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 2,350 Donation
    24 Oct, 2020

    MUR 500 Donation
    23 Oct, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 500 Donation
    22 Oct, 2020
  • Yuka Sagawa

    MUR 7,500 Donation
    21 Oct, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,900 Donation
    16 Oct, 2020
  • Shizuka Sugaya

    MUR 7,253 Donation
    16 Oct, 2020
  • Anonymous

    MUR 500 Donation
    15 Oct, 2020
  • Hinata Shinjo

    MUR 200 Donation
    15 Oct, 2020

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    12 Oct, 2020
  • kayo koyama

    MUR 10,000 Donation
    12 Oct, 2020
  • Beth Howell

    MUR 200 Donation
    11 Oct, 2020
  • Mayumi Kamiya

    MUR 380 Donation
    11 Oct, 2020
  • Rosa Lyne-Hall

    MUR 12,980 Donation
    09 Oct, 2020

    MUR 370 Donation
    08 Oct, 2020
  • clare fenton

    MUR 28,386 Donation
    08 Oct, 2020
  • Stine Schaksen

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    07 Oct, 2020


As we are now facing the worst-case scenario in regard to the shipwreck of the MV WAKASHIO, Eco-Sud a local NGO will be collecting funds for all expenses linked to the cleaning and protection of the lagoon during this crisis.

(French Version Below)

As we are still in the early stages of the oil spill, the funds collected will also potentially be used for the post-crisis expenses such as:

- Monitoring the impact of the oil spill on the marine life.
- Potential research and studies of the marine life affected by the oil spill.
- Fund conservation projects.
- Any legal actions that might be considered as well.

All expenditures and activities will be reported in full transparency.

Note: is offering its platform and service free of charge as a gesture of support toward this ecological disaster.

Please note that this environmental crisis won’t be solved anytime soon. What matters apart from financial support, is the mobilization of each and everyone one of us. Many citizens have already started to mobilize in order to help this crisis. This campaign also calls for mobilization and we hope that every citizen who can, will join forces with the various support groups that are already in place in order to minimize the impact of this environmental crisis. 

Who are we ?

Eco-Sud is an environmental NGO created by the citizens of Blue Bay-Mahébourg over 20 years ago in order to protect the environment and the biodiversity of Mauritius for the generations of today and tomorrow.

Our main program « Lagon Bleu »  aims to restore and preserve the ecological and biological integrity of the Blue Bay and Pointe d'Esny regions in close collaboration with the local community.

We are also at the forefront of discussions and actions aimed at raising awareness of local environmental issues, offering alternative solutions and preventing projects that threaten the environment.

Through these various activities, Eco-Sud aims to promote a balance between economic, social development and environmental protection.

Do not hesitate to visit our site to find out more!

We are regularly communicating on the FaceBook Group of the Association

and the FaceBook Page of ECo-Sud

/// Version Francaise ///

Nous sommes désormais confrontés au pire des scénarios concernant le naufrage du MV WAKASHIO, Eco-Sud, une ONG locale va collecter des fonds pour toutes les dépenses liées au nettoyage et à la protection du lagon pendant cette crise.

Comme nous n'en sommes encore qu'aux premiers stades de la marée noire, les fonds collectés seront potentiellement utilisés pour les dépenses ulterieur telles que:

- Suivi de l'impact de la marée noire sur la vie marine.
- Recherches et études sur la vie marine affectée par la marée noire.
- Financer des projets de conservation.
- Toute action en justice qui pourrait également être envisagée.

Toutes les dépenses et activités seront déclarées en toute transparence.

Veuillez noter que cette crise environnementale ne sera pas résolue de sitôt. Ce qui compte en dehors du soutien financier, c'est la mobilisation de chacun d'entre nous. De nombreux citoyens ont déjà commencé à se mobiliser pour aider cette crise. Cette campagne appelle également à la mobilisation et nous espérons que chaque citoyen qui le pourra, s'associera aux différents groupes de soutien déjà en mise en place afin de minimiser l'impact de cette crise environnementale.

Remarque: propose gratuitement sa plateforme et son service en signe de soutien à cette catastrophe écologique.

Qui sommes nous ?

Eco-Sud est une ONG environnementale créée par les citoyens de la région de Blue Bay-Mahébourg il y a plus de 20 ans afin de protéger l’environnement et la biodiversité du territoire mauricien pour les générations d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

Notre programme principal Lagon Bleu vise à restaurer et préserver l’intégrité écologique et biologique des régions de Blue Bay et de Pointe d’Esny en collaboration étroite avec la communauté locale.

Nous sommes également au premier plan de discussions et d’actions visant à sensibiliser aux enjeux environnementaux locaux, à offrir des solutions alternatives et à empêcher la réalisation de projets qui menacent l'environnement.

A travers ces diverses activités, Eco-Sud vise à favoriser l'équilibre entre le développement économique, social et la protection de l'environnement.

N’hésitez pas à visiter notre site pour en savoir plus !

Nous communiquons régulièrement sur le groupe FaceBook de l'Association

et la page FaceBook d'ECo-Sud


There is no any document attached.


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  1. MV
    On compte sur vous ... nous sommes loin et ne pouvons agir...Bon courage

    Comment by

    Posted on

  2. A
    This is the Christmas present received by Anita Feng from Concordia School. She asked for donation to the Oil Spill Cleaning instead of a present for herself.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  3. A
    To Jon,

    I thought this might be the most useful way to use the Secret Santa amount - I hope you agree.

    From Secret Santa

    Comment by

    Posted on

  4. A
    I hope this helps!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  5. LO
    This is soo sad.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  6. KN
    Donation from Kotomili, a new brand of T-shirts and printed products with original designs inspired by Mauritius. In the aftermath of the Wakashio oil spill, I decided to rush the launch of the Kotomili brand, make the first designs and create a fundraiser T-shirt collection. The profits to go local three NGOs. Hence, here is a third of the profits. Keep doing a great job. Kevin Nirsimloo.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  7. A
    I hope that the stunning landscape and the rich ecosystems of Mauritius will be recovered soon so that the future generations can also experience and enjoy its beauty.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  8. MO
    Thank You for doing this from the bottom of my heart

    Comment by

    Posted on

  9. JH
    All the money collected by The Polyp Pros hope this helps

    Comment by

    Posted on

  10. A
    hope it helps the situation getting better.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  11. KK
    We are so sorry for what we have done to you. I hope your life gets back to normal ASAP.... Sorry

    Comment by

    Posted on

  12. RL
    18 small businesses came together to fundraise by putting together a raffle of our items. This is the total money we managed to raise for Mauritius! We Hope it can help.

    Comment by

    Posted on

  13. CF
    on behalf of Tom Debakker for StepStone Group.

    Comment by

    Posted on